Tuesday, November 13, 2012

41 weeks

Oops thought that we had posted something in the last couple weeks but apparently I was too "busy" waiting for the baby to remember to write.

I was hoping to not have to ever write "41 weeks" but I've alway had in my mind that I would be late. My mom was 2 weeks late with all 3 of us so she warned me.

I have to say I'm feeling pretty good. I've been sleeping pretty well- in fact I was only up twice last night! That's success at 41 weeks!

We go to the doctors today where he will do a scan to see how the baby is doing. If things are okay he will let me wait until Monday and then be induced. If the baby is not safe and healthy then I would get induced tomorrow (Thursday).

I've really been hoping I wouldn't have to make a decision as to when to be induced. I pray that the scan makes things very clear. I trust my doctors wisdom but also know that a week over really isn't really that late.

One way or another we will have a baby in our arms on Thanksgiving and that's something to be thankful for!

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