
If you are interested in partnering with us financially here are a few options:
** You will receive a tax deduction receipt for all contributions**


Neffsville Mennonite Church: donate through the envelope system or with a designated giving to "YWAM- Jeremy & Ashlee Hoover".

YWAM Automatic Donation: through either a Bank Withdrawal or a Credit Card a donation will be deducted once a month(on the 13th). There is a larger processing fee deducted from your donation using the credit card method. Contact us for a form.

Checks: written to Youth With A Mission. Included a separate note indicating designation to "Jeremy & Ashlee Hoover" (it's very important that our names aren't written on the check!!)

Automatic forms and checks can be mailed to: YWAM Tyler; Accounting Department; PO BOX 3000; Garden Valley, TX 75771

{prayer cards}