Tuesday, November 8, 2011


If you didn't know, my(Ashlee) role at work for the last few weeks has been to cold call churches and tell them about the opportunity to screen the movie "Soul Surfer" as a fundraiser or an outreach. Many people think I'm a telemarketer, or that I am wanting to sell them something, which is a little bit true. Rather, we believe in the power of a good movie, and it'd be great if they'd decide to have an event. I've had all sorts of responses! In the last few days I haven't made many calls, as my role has started to move into my more permanent work. We received an awesome email today from someone who hosted a movie screening, 3 girls who saw the film gave their lives to Christ afterwards! Hearing this made all those hours of calling churches totally worth it. I love how we got the opportunity to hear about the fruits of a simple movie screening, so often we don't see or hear about it. We only played a very, very small part but it all contributes.

On a total other note, Starbucks in partnering with the Boardstores (skate/surf shops that are run by YWAMers)and helping fund all the awesome things that they do! I just thought this was really exciting! All the time spent at Starbucks by YWAMers has paid off!!

I know it's small and your probably can't read it but this is posted at our Starbucks here!

Specific prayer requests for this week....
--Christians Surfers Coolum is having a camping trip this weekend. We can't go, as Jeremy needs to man the shop. Pray for opportunities to build relationships & share Christ with the grooms that attend.
-- For the students in our RE classes. That they would see Christ's light in us and would have open hearts to the gospel
-- Jeremy & I both have one-on-ones, other staff that we mentor and disciple. Pia & Jono-- please pray for them, because we love them so much!
-- Our marriage, of course! We are doing really well, but you can never have too much prayer :)
-- Jeremy: wisdom as this week he committed to be the official manager of the shop!! (woo hoo Jeremy committed!!!!! :) If you know Jeremy you know this is HUGE for him!)

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{prayer cards}