Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Applying for Permanent Residence TODAY

Prayers needed today as we are submitting our application for Permanent Residence. A little scary but exciting too!

On another note... The cafe is officially open! We had a surf staff meeting, prayer and dinner last night! It's really exciting having a little team to work together with!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Youth Night

Youth night in Mudjimba kicked off last night. It was a fantastic start to the year. Natasha, another YWAMer who works in the Boardstore, shared her testimony. The kids really opened up and shared in small group time. Please keep Friday nights in your prayers!

Jase being a good little spectator at youth!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


If you aren't familiar with the Aussie way, everything is shortened. Renovations turns into "renos". So the renos are well underway and almost complete. I should have done a better job of updating but I've been a) bad at taking photos and b) really busy (that excuse is getting old, I know).

This week they, Jeremy and Nato(I did my DTS with him), have been practicing with the coffee machine and making lots of free coffees to get practice. Starting next week the cafe will officially be open. It's been a huge project for Jeremy. We both look forward to it being completed. I've enjoyed putting my 2 cents in and helping with little projects when needed but Jeremy has been doing all the coordinating and he's doing an awesome job( I'm bias:) ).
They boys practicing and Jase spectating.

I may not have many pictures of the renos but I have plenty of this little nugget!

He's a "missionary" baby learning to sleep on the go.

More picture of the shop coming soon!

{prayer cards}